City of Seattle Commissions exist to advise the Mayor, City Council, and City departments on issues related to the communities they represent. The Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR) leads four of the City’s Commissions:
- Seattle Disability Commission (SDC)
- Seattle Human Rights Commission (SHRC)
- Seattle LGBTQ Commission (SLGBTQC)
- Seattle Women’s Commission (SWC)
This fall, the World Affairs Council contacted SOCR and offered an opportunity for our Commissions to meet with a group of women delegates from North and South America. A reception was held for these delegates on October 6 at Seattle City Hall, where they shared about their work promoting peace and security. The commissioners in attendance were:
- Kody Allen, SLGBTQC
- Tricia Diamond, SHRC
- Sarah Liu, SWC
- Brett Pepowski, SLGBTQC
- Bryennah Quander, SHRC
- Kristina Sawyckyj, SDC
The reception was coordinated by Marta Idowu, SOCR Commission Liaison, who works with the Women’s Commission and Human Rights Commission. Marta reflected, “At the reception, the World Affairs Council delegates shared more deeply about their work. The commissioners shared their work and took pictures. It was a wonderful experience of sharing and getting a better understanding of what is going on in each of their parts of the world.
“The group wanted to do an act of kindness with the community and so they marched in the Indigenous Peoples’ Day parade, helped pass out gift bags to people, helped serve the food at the event. They also got a chance to meet and take pictures with our mayor, Bruce Harrell. It was an amazing experience, and they left feeling so grateful for their wonderful time in Seattle.”
The delegates shared the severity of the conditions their communities are facing in protecting human life. Their mission is to share their stories around the world in hopes of bringing peace and security to their own countries.
SLGBTQC Commissioner Kody Allen said, “This event reminded me that we are all connected by our common humanity and our shared vision of a better world for everyone, regardless of the distance, culture, or language that separates us. I was deeply inspired by the work that is being done by these amazing leaders, and I feel a renewed sense of motivation to continue our own work here in Seattle.”

In addition, on October 11, the Seattle Disability Commission and City of Seattle staff met with Indonesian delegates to learn and share best practices from one another. They focused on inclusive workplaces and disability rights on the city, state, and federal levels. SDC Commissioners in attendance were Kristina Sawyckyj, Jesssica Lo, and Michele Kauffman.
The SOCR Commissions are open to public comment at their monthly scheduled meetings. To attend and speak to the Commissions about your work and to bring attention to issues related to their goals, see their meeting schedules below.
- Seattle Disability Commission (SDC)
- Seattle Human Rights Commission (SHRC)
- Seattle LGBTQ Commission (SLGBTQC)
- Seattle Women’s Commission (SWC)