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2020 Human Rights Awards Winners: Celebrating Human Rights Day

Across the globe, Human Rights Day is celebrated annually on December 10th because on December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – the first global articulation of human rights. On July 22, 1963, twenty-two (22) activists from ages 13 to 22 occupied… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Human Rights Commission supports community-driven homelessness solutions

The Seattle Human Rights Commission consists of 21 representative residents of Seattle appointed to serve in an advisory capacity to the Mayor, City Council, Seattle Office for Civil Rights, and City departments on human rights issues including unsheltered individuals. Currently, City-funded homeless outreach is decentralized, and there is no system… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Human Rights Commission recommends that the City Council craft and pass a fair, equitable & humane budget

By the Seattle Human Rights Commission As Seattle community representatives and advisors to the City of Seattle leadership, today we provided the City Council with community feedback that we have received on the 2021 budget. In summary, this is not the time for an austerity budget. We need to support… [ Keep reading ]

What does it mean for Seattle to be a “Human Rights City”?

By the Seattle Human Rights Commission On December 14th, 2012, Seattle filed Resolution 31420 that designated the City of Seattle as a “Human Rights City” – one of a small set of such cities worldwide. This commitment meant the CIty would incorporate the universal human rights principles at the local… [ Keep reading ]

Secret Life of Muslims in Seattle: Screening & panel event

Date And Time Wed, July 24, 2019 6:15 PM – 8:30 PM PDT Location Women’s University Club 1105 6th Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 Tickets – $25 Rais Bhuiyan was shot point-blank in a near-fatal hate crime ten days after 9/11. Not only did he forgive his attacker, he also fought… [ Keep reading ]

Recognizing Sexual Assault Awareness Month with an evening reception at City Hall April 24

Open to all, this Wednesday evening reception at City Hall features an art display of t-shirts decorated by sexual assault survivors, guest speakers, and resource information.

Apply to be a Human Rights Commissioner

The Commission seeks candidates with diverse backgrounds in human rights, law, public policy, advocacy, social services, education, and business. Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor, City Council, and the Commission. In 2015, the City of Seattle declared Seattle a Human Rights City. The Commission is guided by the Universal Declaration… [ Keep reading ]

Watch: SHRC celebrates Human Rights Day 2018

The 2018 celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights focused on intersectionality of human rights in Seattle. Opening remarks are by Tamm y Morales, Co-Chair of Seattle Human Rights Commission. Panelists: Aaron Oravillo, Seattle Human Rights Commission, moderator Allan Nyaribo, Olympia Poetry Network, presenting artist… [ Keep reading ]

The City of Seattle seeks four community members to serve on the Seattle Women’s Commission

The Seattle Office for Civil Rights is currently recruiting to fill four vacancies on the Seattle Women’s Commission. The Commission seeks candidates with diverse backgrounds in women’s rights, community engagement, law, public policy, advocacy, social services, education, and business and who are committed to racial equity. Commissioners are appointed by… [ Keep reading ]

Serve on the Seattle Human Rights Commission

The Seattle Office for Civil Rights is currently recruiting to fill five vacancies on the Seattle Human Rights Commission. The Commission seeks candidates with diverse backgrounds in human rights, law, public policy, advocacy, social services, education, and business. Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor, City Council, and the Commission. The… [ Keep reading ]