The Seattle Office for Civil Rights is currently recruiting to fill four vacancies on the Seattle Women’s Commission. The Commission seeks candidates with diverse backgrounds in women’s rights, community engagement, law, public policy, advocacy, social services, education, and business and who are committed to racial equity. Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor, City Council, and the Commission.
The Seattle Women’s Commission advises the Mayor, City Council, and city departments on matters that relate to women’s issues.
Participation on the Commission requires a minimum time commitment of 10-15 hours per month. This includes attendance at monthly meetings, participation in committee work, meetings with City officials, communicating with state legislators, and addressing women’s issues.
Commissioners are appointed for two years and all appointments are subject to confirmation by the City Council and serve without compensation. Those interested in being considered should email a letter of interest, resume, and a completed Seattle Women’s Commission application to Marta Idowu by Tuesday, March 19 by 5 p.m.
The Commission encourages individuals who are interested in applying to attend a monthly Commission meeting. Meetings are held in City Hall, in Room L280 on the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Commission meetings are open to the public.
The City of Seattle is committed to promoting diversity in its commissions. Women, persons with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities, young persons, senior citizens, persons of color, and immigrants are encouraged to apply. All are welcome.